April 15, 2024

Creative Code

Creative Code

finding a new grammar for storytelling

Developing an understanding of code is a valuable skill. In fact its now a 21st century storytelling reality. While it’s not critical for you to rush off and learn how to code, it wouldn’t hurt to become more familiar with the terminology, process and realities of producing digital / interactive projects.

As filmmakers expand their work beyond a single screen new roles such as creative technologists are emerging to bridge the gap between tech and story. The role has been adapted within ad agencies, interactive firms and media companies as a way to plan and execute digital strategies. At the same time Sundance, Tribeca, POV and others are experimenting with story and code. Within the last year they have run labs or hackathons in an effort to explore new modes of storytelling. Meanwhile, the IFP’s transmedia incubator is an anchor of their New Media Center and Matter VC has opened a storytelling-focused accelerator in hopes of innovating story-driven technology.

Here are some valuable resources to help you get started…

StoryCode is a non-profit focused on growing a bridge between the story and technology community. They hold monthly events where creators pull back the curtain on process and they’re currently gearing up for their second Story Hack.

Tribeca Hacks — In 2014, Tribeca is staging a number of hackathons that enable filmmakers and technologists to roll up their sleeves and experiment by making.

Sundance’s New Frontier Story Lab — The lab brings together programmers, designers, creative technologists, writers, directors and storytellers around a handful of projects each fall to explore new forms of storytelling.

Made in New York Digital Media Center — At its core is a transmedia incubator focused on building the next generation of story driven technologies.

POV Hackathon POV is staging a number of hackathons as way for independent producers and technologists to build story focused prototypes.

General Assembly offers a variety of courses for those wishing to learn more about all things code.

Code Academy is a free and interactive way to learn code. Their mission is to turn tech consumers into empowered builders.

Building Storyworlds is an ongoing tumblr tied to a grad course I teach at Columbia University on the art, craft & biz of storytelling in 21c.

PBS’ “Off Book” series has an interesting episode on The Art of Creative Code.

CREATIVE CODE {ME} is an initiative to bring coding to traditional K-12 classes, across ALL subjects, by providing educators with the resources and connections to experienced mentors who can come into the classroom.

Living Docs a wonderful resource for doc filmmakers — events, projects and code to support web native docs. Thanks to Jonathan Archer.

Originally published in Filmmaker but slightly updated

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