April 15, 2024

What the Internet Taught Me this Week #01 2015

What the Internet Taught Me this Week #01 2015

The first full week of 2015 started with a bang. One of my resolutions for the year, is to document and share my research efforts. I’m currently working on a book that explores the future of learning, work, story and code. Over the next 356 days I’m going to be collecting and sharing daily here and once a week I’ll do a digest on medium. So here’s what the internet taught me this week…

1. New Clues

Hear, O Internet. It has been sixteen years since our previous communication. In that time the People of the Internet — you and me and all our friends of friends of friends, unto the last Kevin Bacon — have made the Internet an awesome place, filled with wonders and portents. Read More

2. The Internet of Things Plan To Make Libraries and Museums Awesomer

Are cultural institutions the environment iBeacon has been waiting for? Two large banners greet patrons when they walk into Orlando Public Library. Amid posters about the library’s family-friendly services and upcoming programming, the banners urge patrons to do something a bit uncharacteristic for a nearly 100-year-old institution: download an iBeacon app. Read More

3. Wisdom in the Age of Information

We live in a world awash with information, but we seem to face a growing scarcity of wisdom. And what’s worse, we confuse the two. We believe that having access to more information produces more knowledge, which results in more wisdom. But, if anything, the opposite is true — more and more information without the proper context and interpretation only muddles our understanding of the world rather than enriching it. Read More

4. Watership Down author Richard Adams: I just can’t do humans

Richard Adams, no stranger to terrifying children with his tales of rabbits being snared or gassed, narrows his eyes and recites, word-perfect, a lengthy passage from an intensely creepy short story by MR James called The Stalls of Barchester Cathedral. Read More

5. Robots are starting to break the law and nobody knows what to do about it

Maybe it’s a sign that robots are growing up, and thus hitting the rebellious stage. The Random Darknet Shopper, an automated online shopping bot with a budget of $100 a week in Bitcoin, is programmed to do a very specific task: go to one particular marketplace on the Deep Web and make one random purchase a week with the provided allowance. Read More

6. The Death of the Artist — and the Birth of the Creative Entrepreneur

Hard-working artisan, solitary genius, credentialed professional — the image of the artist has changed radically over the centuries. What if the latest model to emerge means the end of art as we have known it? Pronounce the word artist, to conjure up the image of a solitary genius. Read More

Bonus Experience: How our startup was bought by Google without even trying…

*I got lost in this for a bit. Still not sure what it’s all about but if you want to go down a rabbit hole start here…

It rang a few times, before anyone actually noticed it. We were too busy high-fiving each other and ringing in the New Year with our noise-makers and illegal home-made fireworks on the beach to realize the momentous occasion that was about to intrude into our otherwise stable corporate lives as a small struggling startup. Read More

For more visit Culture Hacker it’s a daily collection of the things across the web that catch my attention and are providing inspiration for the book I’m writing.

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